what are embedded structure?


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Hi Sarah Mae,

Embedded Structure seems to cover a variety of things. Anything that is structured to perform a given task or function, and has a secondary function embedded in it.

Signal lines embedded in a multi-layered structure.

Secondary code embedded in a program...etc.

I did find a few links you may like to look at.



English Wiz2010-07-20T15:27:29Z

It depends what kind of embedded structure you're talking about.. like scientifically or in computer programming and stuff

but in general an embedded structure is a part of a program or structure that serves a main purpose within that program / structure, but it is not always obvious (thus, embedded) it could be hidden or just put in the middle/inside of the structure.


(for some reason my answer from earlier wasn't posted)

But... there is also an embedded structure in language,,,

if you would like... I found an journal article that details this quite extensively...

I hope this helps you
