How much weight did you gain during pregnancy and how long did it take you to lose it?

I just want to see where I stand. I gained too much of course, and am trying to lose it now, it just won't seem to come off? How long did it take for you?


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i weighed 118 when i got pregnant. at the end of my pregnancy i weighed 161 lol. i weigh in the 140's now.


I gained 46 pounds

I had a C section, so with recovery time and all it took me about 6 weeks to lose it all and then some. Now I weight 112 pounds and I'm 5'6 Just do alot of cardio, weightlifting and pilates!

Dulce is pretty darn tired2010-07-22T00:14:04Z

I gained about 30 pounds with each of my three kids and lost it within about six months, but for some reason after the last one the last ten pounds won't come off.


30 pounds it took about a year and like a half to get the last 15 pounds off. And then when they tested my thyroid levels that was the reason it took too long to get 15 damn pounds off. With the thyroid meds it took like a month effortlessly to lose 15 pounds.