Do you need further proof that governments are not interested in climate change....?

Australians are going to the polls on August 21 and the incumbent government has just released their climate change policy.

Hot on the heels of Copenhagen, where the inaction was deafening, the Australian government have again washed their hands of it.
They propose to do nothing about about any ETS until a "citizen's assembly" of 150 Australians discuss our need for such a scheme over the next 12 months.
If the general consensus is that no such ETS scheme is needed, it will be shelved indefinitely.
Surely, if the science of climate change is settled and global doom is pending, a responsible government would implement strategies now, based on the available data, not the musings of a select 150.


edit Jeff M...our government does not have access to the relevant science???.. that would surprise me.


edit @ Paul's Alias 2 really must try to read the question then answer it.
Surely.."you guys" would be aware that any action on climate change is going to be initiated by the politicians, presumably based on the advise of the scientists that the have funded. Or has money given to the IPCC just been for their Christmas party?

Jeff M2010-07-23T00:21:37Z

Favorite Answer

Governments have to adhere to the public's reactions or they will not be re-elected. They also have to decide what is economically feasible for their country. The moment you start depending on governments for scientific knowledge is the moment you fail as a person interested in the actual science.


Yes, yes I do need more proof. Make it rain with proof that governments aren't interested.

Remember, politicians operate in one mode and one mode only: get (re)elected. They generally don't care about what's right, or what's needed, unless it's also what's popular. This goes for everyone regardless of which side of the aisle they sit on.

Additionally a fundamental property of the Republic is to represent the will of the people. If a bunch of people show up to the polls and say "no" to climate change legislation and that's what the politicians have to go on as "the will" of the people, then that's what they have to go on.

Lately things seem to be run by the vocal minority instead of the elected majority. Pity.


Governments only seem interested in three things; re-election, re-election, re-election!

The truth is that only an international agreement is going to solve this one. No single country can do it on their own, not even the USA, and no government is going to act unilaterally to the (actual or perceived) detriment of its citizens!

Sadly, in many democratic countries, (particularly the US) skepticism does seem to be growing and too many of our politicians seem too concerned with the possibility of alienating the electorate.

I don't think it's true that governments are not interested in climate change, it's just that in order to do anything meaningful, they have to be in power.

Paul's Alias 22010-07-23T15:58:43Z

<<Surely, if the science of climate change is settled and global doom is pending, a responsible government would implement strategies now, based on the available data,>>

On one hand you guys are always telling us that politics has no place in science, and on the other hand you just cited politicians, and continue to ignore the conclusions of scientists.

Phoenix Quill2010-07-23T12:06:59Z

AGW(ACC) is a Religion being used to promote Socialism.

Hence non Socialistic Government tend to reject it.

And National Socialists do not want to be controlled by International ones...

.... hence the deafening inaction at Copenhagen.

Our Political leaders do not BELIEVE in AGW. Obama flew a fossil fueled Jumbo Jet across the Atlantic to tell people not to needlessly release CO2.

What does THAT tell you?

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