Gas turbines, a great innovation, does anyone know of some new uses we can look forward to seeing?

Back in the sixties Chrysler corp. had a gas turbine in a full size car at the New York Worlds fair and a gas turbine race car won a indy race and broke records. We hear nothing of this awesome power plant being used in innovative ways. Turbo prop planes use them so there must be more applications for this very efficient and powerful engine. We live in a world of miniaturization, I know there are many more applications for this proven power plant.


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Gas turbines are used in power generation , for large scale you will find that GE and Rolles Royce are pioneer in this field, we also use them for gas injection to produce more oil


Gas turbine are not very efficient. efficiency is their pitfall . On the contrary, they are often described as fuel thirsty engines. They waste lots of heat energy through their hot exhausts.


they are not used by individuals because people do not want to be in the back of it