Have you participated in one of the wild parties of the HP characters on Y!A?

*open bottles of butterbeer*


Did you miss the mid-summer ball?


Favorite Answer

Cho oh how I've missed you so how have you been darling.


Of course not I planned it! I loved those parties, -sigh- I remember Fred & George. Then Percy and his candy issue, then Snape and Voldie getting it on. and Harry! Oh Harry! His "Hermaphrodite" Joke was the best!!

I'm missing the crew members that left<333

Dumbledore's beard2010-08-01T17:01:49Z

Not yet. *Dreams* one of these days I'll be able to say, yes, I have participated in one of the wild parties of the HP characters on Y!A.


I haven't been on one of those, could You give me some details? I don't want to miss anything big that got to do with HP, and I've just transformed my character.

Voldemort (with a moustache)™©2010-08-01T16:30:36Z

*Slugs from a bottle of fire whiskey*

I do not miss that horrible wedding season that happened. It was a depressing time for me, it hurt me and broke my heart into tiny pieces. I was an alcoholic during that period and I gained a lot of weight.

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