What do you think of my painting?

I've been painting for about 2 years and I just recently found a strong affection for abstract art. This is a painting I did today in about 2 hours. I made it for my lovely boyfriend's living room. Won't you tell me what you think?


Also, if you like my photography or art, follow me on tumblr! Marisarenee.tumblr.com


Favorite Answer

It's pretty cool... i'd like that for my room... i guess it just depend on how his living room looks like...


I think you need to plan your work before you start. If you'd drawn out the lines first your piece would look sharper and more pleasing, I know planning is tedious but it really does work wonders for the quality of your finished work. When you're creating a piece like this with a complex pattern, it's best to figure out exactly where each line goes, how and where it curves and how best to transform from one colour to the next, again tedious I know but it'd really help.

Also, working on a black background might've made the colours pop a little more, especially if you'd given some of the curves a touch of a highlight. Actually, multiple layers of colour would make it stronger and give more depth too.


I think it looks cool

Roberto D2010-08-02T18:33:11Z