How far along were you when???

your baby became engaged. I have been feeling really low heavy pressure but it seems to come and go. With my first two boys I don't think baby became engaged until labor. Boy #3 though might be different, when I stand up or have to pee there is this really low heavy pressure and I have been feeling it a lot today. Thanks in advance for your help :)

Side note I'm 34w 1d


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All three of my girls dropped at 34 weeks. That was no indicator of when labour was going to come though because I went 10 days over with my first and 15 days over with me second. I am currently 38 weeks with my 3rd.

Sounds like your baby has dropped.

Good luck with the rest of the pregnancy!!


Baby 3 is different... I did not either with my other 2 babies but with this baby I was engaged and getting low heavy pressure about 26 wks. I asked the doctor and she checked and she told me that 3rd babies like to come earlier.. i am now 30 wks


i was 32 weeks when I became engaged with my first. I started dialating around that time too. Around 34 weeks I went into premature labor with him, but it was stoped and I was put onto strict bed rest until 39 weeks. Hopefully that doesnt happen with baby number 2.