Spiritually wondering: is today's Clone Day a commemoration to Star Wars Ep.II: the Clone Wars?

Just wondering...

Clones are running rampant everywhere today, just like a clone invasion. Is today a commemoration to Star Wars Episode II: the Clone Wars?

A is for Atheist2010-08-05T14:18:14Z

Favorite Answer

Or its just more "proof" against christian claims that their god created all life. It seems the internet can as well.

Sun is Shining ❂2010-08-05T14:21:13Z


Btw, is there a prize for best clone? Coz so far, all I've seen is blurry outlines and the typed equivalent of bad breath. I'm really disappointed. Clones used to be really good back in the day.


It is clear that you think not.. I have never been in war, nor do I plan to. It is not in my nature, it is unnatural. I wish that all those in combat could experience peace and put an end to suffering so people wouldn't have to lose fathers and brothers. You may say it is human nature to cause conflict, all I am saying is lets put an end to this.


My clone doctors up my photo to make me look ugly and it's very hurtful


The clones don't realize that they're just making us even more popular.

Too bad they keep drawing attention to my chronic depression and alcoholism.

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