does anyone else hate people?

I really, really dislike people. They way they act, consume and really attack anyone different then them and call it just. The way the economy is set up, the poverty in this world is so sad. The apathy of the rich, the ignorance of the masses. The chemical laden fast food and shitty movies and tv. the awful air quality in urban centers and darn jet streams blotting out the sky. I dislike obama, for on because he is black, two because nobody is honest enought to just say it affirmativen" and lastly and most importantly he is sorta puppet. were still in war to bolster the economy which fake anyway, and in general people are unhappy and obedobedientthe economic system...****. o and girls think II am creepy, so that is just the cherry on top.


I am part mexican hoomie, come to san diego and say some **** like that. you will wind up being on the receieving end of an *** kicking marathon. I am allowed to talk **** about people so long as it's not dumb pourch monkey should have known that


shut up dm, go suck on a tail pipe


i just baked a cassorole of hate and am just dishing it out, YOU WANT SOME!?


Planet earth could probably sustain about 1 Billion people in a decent way ,
But alas , people breed like rabbits and now there are like about 6 Billion sooooo
Shiiiiiit will be hitting the fan as a consequence for years to come .
You cannot blame anyone who is born into it because No one chooses their birth ,
Let alone into such a dump as this planet has become .

What they can do tho , is use Birth Control and NOT subject more children to this devolving insanity .

There are many good people , just in some very bad circumstances .
Make an effort to find honorable people and try to get to a safer place .
Sorry you're such a clueless a$$ hole about Obama , but I guess that's just more proof of the ignorance , a consequence of 5 Billion people too many .

vaya con dios


The best thing for you is probably make a movie at bangbus to really see what it means to be little more than meat for the masses.

Other than that I think you should read positive books, get into meaningful relationships and understand that your just being bitchy because your menstrual balance if off and you have no focus or drive in life so are projecting it to everyone else.


I like people. You, I think I could warm up to the idea of hating. Does that make you feel better?

Why don't you concentrate on your community, the Earth and running for President and let us know how you do with things when you succeed. OK? Good.

ALONG CAME A SPIDER2010-08-09T14:52:16Z

If you don't like the status quo then do something to make a positive difference...hating is easy,
doing something about it takes thought and stop whining and DO SOMETHING. Oh.. and girls find angry negative guys like you a real buzz kill..just sayn hoomie.

☆Happy Penguin☆2010-08-09T14:40:48Z

I'm misanthropic, but there's no reason to hate Obama just because he's black. Don't you think that's sounding a bit racist?

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