Question about baby being engaged?
My baby is now engaged and I was just wondering for fun (I know it won't tell me when I will) how many weeks you ladies were when you felt your babies engaged and how many weeks you went into labor?
My baby is now engaged and I was just wondering for fun (I know it won't tell me when I will) how many weeks you ladies were when you felt your babies engaged and how many weeks you went into labor?
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
Favorite Answer
My first engaged at 35 weeks ---- I had him at exactly 38 weeks.
My second didn't engage until I was nearly 7cm dilated.
35 weeks engaged
38 weeks exactly I went into labor
Awww when is the wedding? ;) jk. In all seriousness it can take weeks! I elt my son was very low probably from about 30 weeks on and had him at 38 weeks.