What funny story can you share?


Favorite Answer

A man rushes into a bar. He is clearly agitated.
"I need a stiff drink!" he says to the barman. "Gimme a large whisky!"
When he has downed the whisky, the barman says, "What's the problem?"
The man says, "I was driving along the lane just behind the bar, when my car stopped for no apparent reason. I got out and looked at the engine, but I couldn't see anything wrong. Then a voice said, quite close to me, 'check the fuel pump'. I looked around, but there was nobody there! Just a couple of horses looking over the field gate! And sure enough, the fuel pump was blocked! I cleaned it out, and started the car up again, but just as I was going to move off, the voice said, 'Take the car into your garage when you get home, and have it serviced.' I turned around again, and it was one of the horses that was speaking to me! It was amazing!"
The barman says, "What colour was the horse?"
The customer says, "It was black, why?"
The barman says, "Hey, that really is amazing! He doesn't know anything about engines! He usually fixes TV sets!"


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