Switching medicaid while in college-moving states?
I am attending a state university in NY for grad school, which means that becoming a NY resident would save me about 9,000 dollars a year. However, I have medicaid from PA and need medical procedures done and I have to take a medicine daily or risk death. My past strategy (undergrad) has been to keep my PA medicaid, have my mom mail my prescriptions, and get other procedures (tests, specialist appointments, etc.) done during breaks back in PA. However, now that I live off campus and want NY residency, this could complicate things. I rely on my loans and my family for support and I absolutely could not afford just survival medication without medicaid, but I am also at the point of telling doctors that I won't be getting a test done because I can't afford the credit risk for my loans if medicaid refused to cover it out of state.
I really need advice about what to do. Suck up an extra $9,000 in loan dept and risk my health from procedure delays? Risk lapse in coverage and loosing the medicine I need to survive if I try to switch?
My income is zero, has been all year (I couldn't work over the summer and survive).
Also, I can get medical documentation from specialists about how I need the medications to live and should have the tests done.