Shooters Choice vs tetra-lube?

Interesting actual serious question: i always used an recommended Shooters choice gun grease. Within about a month, i have TWO firearms that had been properly stored for about 6 months and the Shooters Choice dried out and turned gummy, messing up one revolver so bad i had to totally strip & clean it.

I was suggested Tetra-Lube, and am looking for some feedback. Please dont say "rem-oil", i already use that for its intended use.

10 minutes late2010-08-20T23:32:42Z

Favorite Answer

Shooters choice is great stuff, but you have to be careful where you use it. I use it only on slide rails of pistols and the slide arms of my shotguns.... Literally just put a dab on contact points and let the physical slide action do the rest. Never had a problem. I think it just might be too thick for use on more intricate parts like Revolvers.... I keep it as light as possible there.


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Shooters Choice vs tetra-lube?
Interesting actual serious question: i always used an recommended Shooters choice gun grease. Within about a month, i have TWO firearms that had been properly stored for about 6 months and the Shooters Choice dried out and turned gummy, messing up one revolver so bad i had to totally strip & clean...


Tetra Grease


I use Mystic Disc Brake Wheel Bearing Grease to lube my Browning BuckMark and M1 Rifle. It works great, and it's cheap. It doesn't dry out. One can lasts forever.

Thompson/Center Breech Plug Grease also works well for certain applications. I haven't used the two you've asked about.



Okay, aside from that, I've heard tetra lube works wonderfully... but believe it or not, what I find works on my firearms, is Marvel Mystery Oil applied with a swab (don't just plunk the parts in it, and apply it fairly sparsely). The stuff works great... for me at least.

Try the Marvel Mystery Oil. It seems to work just dandily for my guns.

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