Please explain what is meant by the statement, "Chance has no memory" in biology?

Asst Prof2010-08-23T15:35:30Z

Favorite Answer

It means that frequently, things that are chance occurrences do not have any realtionship to things that happened before.

The probability of a child being a boy or girl is, theoretically 0.5. Since "chance has no memory," that's the same probability EVERY time. Even in a family of 20 daughters, the probability is, theoretically, 0.5.


Chance Has No Memory


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Don't you think it is just possible that God "decided" to take millions of years to create life on earth instread of six 24-hour days, like our small, limited minds would like to beleive? Don't you think it is just possible that God uses "evolution" as a God-created process or tool to create life? Like he uses the law of gravity, so that the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun, and our solar system revolves around the center of our Galaxy, etc? Darwin was an atheist, but that does not mean we have to also be fools. The great Newton worked with alchemy for many years (turning lead into gold), which is silly to us now, but does that mean we have to throw out all of his valid theories? Educate yourself. Theistic Evolution. Old Earth Creationism.