SENIORS.....Let's take a stroll down memory lane....?

Do you remember: when going to 3rd grade meant learning to write in cursive? All the girls had ugly gym shorts? When 25cents was a decent allowance? Mom wore nylons that came in 2 pieces? Laundry detergent had free glasses, dishes or towels hidden inside? Candy cigarettes, soda pop machines that dispensed glass bottles? Home milk delivery with cardboard stoppers? Coffee shops with tabletop jukeboxes? Green stamps? "Race issue" meant arguing about who ran the fastest? Having a weapon in school meant being caught with a slingshot? "War" was a card game? Phone numbers with word prefixes [ fairfax [fa] 27761 Hi Fi 's and 45 rpm records?....if you can remember most ot these things, then YOU HAVE LIVED!!!!!!


Ohhhh weeeee.....I am loving these answers.
So many that I had forgotten, you guys remembered. Like the peanut butter in the mugs, and remember Jelly came in glasses with different cartoon characters on them? And one of my favorite things to do was to help my granny hang clothes out on the such thing as a dryer back only in the laundromat and on t.v. haha.. Did anybody else have to iron sheets and pillowcases and handkerchiefs for Sunday? My grandpa made ice cream in a wooden ice cream maker, hand cranked with plenty of rock salt around the container, and whoever helped the most, got the dasher when it was done, we worked hard that day! lol
Thanks guys, this has been so wonderful...sometimes I wish I go back to those times, but I realize that life was tough then too, but not as hectic and violent as it is now.


Transistor radios and pen pals! Yes, yes, yes....I had penpals all over the country and the world....that helped to peak my interest in travel, I'm so glad that I was able to travel to other parts of the world and appreciate other customs and cultures.

Everyone of these answers is the "best answer" you wonderful people are making it hard for me to choose. ~sigh~


Favorite Answer

Oh, yes, I remember them well. I was in Grade school/Jr. High, in the 50's & I'm so glad I got to grow up in that era. It was a really neat time to be growing up. Thanks so much for the stroll down memory lane. It's a stroll I always enjoy taking.


Yes, I remember all of these and I'll add a few more.....Not only did nylons come in a pr. as you mentioned but also had a seam down the back. Ladies sometimes had trouble keeping the seams straight. But during WW11 nylons were not available and the ladies would paint a stripe down the back of their legs, so it would look like they were wearing nylons. Other things were rationed too. I remember being 6 yrs.old and going with my mother to an army base in Texas to see my daddy. I think it was called the PX, and was on base where you could buy things. They had chocolate candy bars there for sale and I was so excited to have one. Back home chocolate was not available because of the war. I remember that bottled soda pop was sold out of a giant ice chest. You would have to fish your hand around in the cold ice water to find the brand and flavor you wanted. The chest had a bottle opener made on the side and you would open your own. Sometimes we used the bottle caps to make things. Ice cream Dixie Cups had a movie star picture on the underside of the lid and kids would collect them. Cars had running boards and people would pick up a hitch-hiker and let them stand on the running board for a lift somewhere. There was no a/c so the windows were open and the hiker could hang on to the window post. There were X-ray machines in the shoe stores so the bones in kids feet could be seen through a scope to see if the shoes fit, And do you remember the madras plaid shirts that high-school boys wore in the '60s? And Griff's sold their hamburgers for .15 cents. These are some of the things that I remember that I don't believe have been mentioned.


I wore nylons with garter belt before panty hose was invented. I used to get S&H Green Stamps when I bought gas. Milk in glass bottles with a tab top, yes. Yes, white candy cigarettes with red ends. I really miss phone prefix's. I have a hi fi floor model from 1960 and I do play my 45s rockvn roll records. I iron my sheets regularly because I enjoy it. I find it satisfying. The homemade stuff you mentined I did not see living in a city. But the biggest change apart from air pollution and food chemicals that I dont like is the dangererous people and mentally ill people out and about. I would be happy if the internet and PCs had not become available. I would include voicemail in the list of unwanted inventions. Someone mentioned gym shorts. We had one piece bloomers and our sports were girls or boys only. I sometimes think the permissiveness of the 60s did not help children become self-sufficient or good parents.


I also remember . My Dad was a abusive Bully. My Mom is whacked out on Religion. Church ,Morning Afternoon and Evening every Sunday. Went to 8 Schools in 13 years. School was one long boring waste of time. county wait to get out and away .Quit School at 16 and found a job. Worked hard and after a few years joined the Military. Finally found something I cared about. Took a while but finally got into a decent trade. Went from a lifetime of " just passing" to being a Honour's Student almost overnight. People always said I was smart and now I finally started proving it . Never bothered looking back just focused on being the best. Basically Yes I do have memories but I prefer to forget them and concentrate on the future.

da shadow2010-08-25T21:15:14Z

I remember picking up pennies on the street because of penny candy. Picked up soda bottles to get the deposit..You could get a loaf of bread and half gallon of milk for under a dollar. When you got home from school you went back outside to play till dinner time. How about the fact that we actually played outside. Remember round tv screens. Waiting all week to get that decoder ring, only to find out the the secret message was "Drink more Ovaltine".(disappointment). Schools were not air conditioned and no snow days or heat days. Cutting grass with a reel mower. Best of all, drive-in movies cartoons, playground, 2 or three movies, sleeping in the back seat and all that fun for 2 dollars for the whole family.

Edit - The movies were not filled with those 7words George Carlin made so famous. You didn't need ratings systems for for movies, music or anything else, it was all G-rated. Remember the old bedroom scene rule, twin beds and one foot always on the floor. (lol)

Slide rules never got viruses!(lol)


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