when using the bike racks on the bus- can i move the first bike ?

when using the bike racks on the bus- and the bus comes but 2nd slot is in use (fairest) from the bus
but one nearest the bus is empty
now since I'm girl and i have a heck of time trying to get my bike into the first rack which the 2nd rack being use)

could i move other bike from the 2nd rack/slot to the first one so i can load my bike?
or would the cyclist or bus driver get angry at me?


Favorite Answer

If you can't get your bike onto the only rack open - ask for help. NEVER touch another person's bike without their permission. Yes...I would get angry with you - very angry.

Mick Ross2010-09-09T19:10:04Z

I would be careful doing this. First of all, it's not your bike that you're touching, so someone may get upset thinking that you're going to steal it or that you're going to mess it up. Secondly, there is an off chance that you could knock something out of place, drop it, or lock it improperly so that it shifts during motion and falls out. From a liability point of view, I would not touch it.


I would not touch the other persons bike.
