Do anyone like dealing with Indian, Hindu and Arab store owners?

It's funny when you interact with these cry babies (99% of the time). They will scream out racism more than anyone in this country (America). But, the screwed up thing about them. They will treat anyone who's not apart of their ethnicity with such disdained,hatred and ignorance but they don't have a problem taking your money for outdated, unregulated products with exuberant prices. Their customers service skills...I leave it at that for know because I could go on.

But, do anyone like dealing with Indian, Hindu, and Arab store owners?


Edit***I don't prejudge to folks unless it's constant. And so far the percentage of them being close-minded are high. They like Snatching money out your hand, as if some my blackness my rub on them. I have too many bad experience dealing with them, especially in a Atlanta.


@Cocoa***Amen to that. LOL


Those Indians, Hindus and Arabs store owners need to learn some manners and how to conduct a business and customer service skills.


@GiG...You're in Canada...Maybe they see Canadians differently, but here in America? I assume people have internalized a lot negative things about Black Americans and they have this negative mentality towards you without you doing anything to them.


@spdesai7....Hardworking and Honest? Go to any of their stores and you can wipe dust of an product that's from 2002. And the video? You can do better than that. At least catch up with the rest of your racist people and show sketch black man eating watermelon or something. LOL

I swear you people nowadays. LOL


Favorite Answer

In general they are racist point blank

but i have ran into some Arabs and Indians that were EXTRA nice (i assume they aren't Hindu)
it's their religion (Hinduism) that causes them to be racist against anyone of dark skin, not so much their ethnicity, it's their culture. If you ever notice they will treat a white person better than people of their own ethnicity.
because most Indians are Hindu, it does seem like they are all bad to deal with
The few Indians i met that were not Hindu, were really nice, and not racist at all.

Also Arabs are racist because they are basically white people(originally) that came and invaded africa and they are the ones that destroyed all of our ancient artifacts and enforced Islam on Africans <<< learned that in African History
But again not all arabs are racist, just alot of them are
The arabs we see today are just mixed of black African and white

GETitGIRL .2010-09-16T08:52:11Z

I do. I grew up in Toronto where there's a large East Indian population and for the most part, they're pretty respectful (unless you bother them, which I used to do a lot as a kid lol). But of course, there's bad people in every race. I haven't had any bad experiences with store owners in particular but I noticed, in general, the ones who are usually the most difficult have stores in bad neighbourhoods. They're used to dealing with not-so-nice things and in-turn their attitude reflects their environment. This could be said about anyone though.

OMG Becky2010-09-16T08:53:27Z

I have no problem with the foreign store owners in my area. I often feel bad for them because American customers are often very rude to them for no reason. Usually, they will respond to customers bullying whereas we are taught not to argue as "the customer is always right". It's just a difference of culture.

The foreign store owners know me by name and are always nice to me. I am always kind in return and treat them how I would treat any other store clerk. Kindness goes a long way. Try it.

If products are outdated and overpriced, just don't purchase items from that store.

BTW.....I have seen plenty of stores owned by Americans with dusty shelves and outdated products. Mom and Pop shops are especially notorious for it because they don't sell out as quickly as major chains. It's not just Middle Eastern and Indian store owners who have that problem.


I love dealing with them. They're honest, hard-working people. Why should they need manners? They need to be on guard when a ghetto person walks in because they know you people are criminals.

In fact, this is you on this video, isn't it?

edit: They are honest. Who cares if there's dust on their product? You're still going in there and buying it. I don't see as many of them in prison as I see people who look like you. And why would I put some dumb watermelon eating guy on a video? That would be stereotyping, which is stupid, and only good enough for someone like you. I stick to real facts, stuff that's actually going on in the world. Either way, both prove that you're an idiot, so congratulations.


hell yeah dere dis indian family own a store in my hood n they always bring in there new family from india n they get confused about how much change 2 give and i save money there all the time cuz dat

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