Why not raise everyones taxes?

There is a lot of discussion about letting the Bush tax cuts expire. Obama wants to let it expire for the top 2-3% income levels only, but many economists are worried that may hurt the economy because a lot of these are the business people that hire most of us. Why not just raise everyone a very small amount like 1%, or a half percent. Almost 50% do not pay ANY tax. Everyone should pay a little to help. By raising everyone a very small amount, no one gets hurt much, and we can get more money to help pay down our massive debt. What do you think?


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How about decreasing government spending? The more money the government gets from us via taxes, the more they find ways to waste it.


If they raise taxes, then they better pay me more at my job to pay for these taxes....they really need raise the taxes on the rich only..by saying that I mean everybody who make over one million a year because a lot of these people are famous and are celebrities and they do get their monies from us people who watch and buys their music and theirs DVDs and also going to the movie theaters..all this is from us and they need to give back some and even more...like Oprah for example...all these big time musicians..and don't forget all these executives.. who make all those money from big corporate companies too...


Here's why. While we're still struggling to recover, the Debt is also a big problem that we need to start working on.

Since the rich spend only a fraction of tax cuts, and can best afford to have their taxes go up slightly (it's only an extra 4.5 percentage points on the income over $250,000), it's better to save $700 BILLION by letting their tax cuts expire.

The middle class, on the other hand, spends almost all of their tax cuts, creating demand that will drive job creation.


Good luck squeezing anymore blood out of my lemon.

Because; I pay 57% of my income directly to various taxes now, I use 23% of my income in order to make my income and at the end of paying for all of it....I'm left with 20% "profit".
You want to take another 1-2%? Ever hear the story about the straw that broke the camels back?


People are losing their homes because they can not pay the taxes on their homes. Some employers can us their employees as tax breaks. I do not need another tax to pay. I pay enough in taxes already.

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