38 weeks and Dr wants me to be home?

I am 38 weeks pregnant, having alot of swelling and the Dr wants me to stay home, BUT I am not sure if the Short Term Disability Company (Sun Life) that my employer uses will approve it. If not I need to work I cant afford to stay home without any pay.

What are your thoughts? Do you think they will approve and if they don't would it be bad to go to work?

Thank you


I am at work today pending the STD company approval. I am a single parent, lave a teenager and another little girl on the way. I would LOVE nothing more than to be home but financially I can't afford to be....this is so stressing me out. I am not doing anything at work, just sistting here with my feet up...my boss has been great about it all.


I just heard from my Corp office that Sun Life denied me Short Term, so I have no choice but to work.


Favorite Answer

If your doctor writes you out, generally STD will pay.

Good luck!


If the doctor wants you to stay home, you should stay home. You're doing what's best for the baby. Would a couple of weeks w/o pay be worth risking your baby's well being? However, the disability company should take care of it, but if they don't, please don't go back to work against your doctor's recommendation.


Yea all you need it a doctors note. Then you just send it in. It doesn't matter why or what is going on . Then after that you collect for maternity leave. Just don't start collecting for it now wait in till you have the baby


Seeing as it was your doctor that said it then I would think they would approve. It depends what kind of work you do, if your up and walking around it's probably best not to.


Listen to your doctor either way...you need to do what is best for the baby.

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