What significant photos can be used to represent the concepts of Humanities?

We must choose 5 images (preferrably realistic photos) representing the five key concepts of the MYP humanities course for the International Baccalaureate programme. These are: Time, Space and Place, Change, Systems, and Global Awareness. We must provide an explanation for each image and why we chose them to represent that particular concept. We have roughly around 45 seconds to do this. Can anyone provide images that are meaningful in these areas and that clearly represent understanding of these concepts?

Any help is appreciated!


Favorite Answer

time - clock
space - stars, the galaxy, sky at night
place - any well recognised building eg Big Ben or Buckingham Palace
change - swirling water
systems - a load of PCs all chained up in a line
global awareness - the burnt down rain forest


Well performed Ms Minger. I consider you're correct. Yes, I am a coward - I am additionally now not too certain find out how to positioned my image up as an Avitar. Maybe anyone would enlighten us blondes. Take care and Happy Easter.