Suggestions, wedding present in India?

Wedding gift for a wedding in India?

Hi all,
I am going with a friend to India soon. While there, we are going to be attending the wedding of one of her very wealthy cousins. I would like to bring something nice and thoughtful but I've never been to India and have no idea what would be appropriate. I am an American and generally clueless about such things.
I have never met the bride or the groom, I'm just going because my friend (not a romantic friendship or anything) invited me to go with her to India and it sounded really fun.

Thanks for your help.


Favorite Answer


"Q: My Hindu friends are getting married. What sort of gift should I give?
A: The traditional gift at an Indian wedding is money. The amount should be an "auspicious" number ending in 1 -- $11, $21, $51, $101, $201, $501, etc. (or similar numbers in rupees, pounds, or what have you). Cash or a check is fine."
Be sure to read all of the above website so that you will be prepared. The wedding can last several days.


i could ask you're pal who's acquainted with the bride and groom and their likes. according to threat she is acquainted with of their traditions? or perhaps they have a registry that she is acquainted with approximately. If no longer, and if she doesnt understand, according to threat some thing like a constructive vase or some thing?


For when they eat over tehre, I might suggest a stomach pump, might come in handy.