am i being too hard on myself?
ESPN's Sportsnation was at our campus today, but it was raining pretty hard the whole afternoon, and everyone was soaked. After the show was done airing, I went inside to the IMU and came across Michelle Beadle (one of the hosts) and some of the SN support staff, who were using the bathrooms to dry off. I ended up hanging around for too long - long enough for one of the cops escorting her to ask me to move. The cop did nothing but his job: I realized after I had left how it sketchy I must have looked, and now I'm continually scolding myself for being so stupid (I had wanted to return later and thank the cop for asking me to move, but they had left before I had the chance) and socially inept.
How do I stop kicking myself? This isn't the first time I've made a mistake (not of this nature, I mean in general) and every time I do I berate myself.
I should add that I wasn't doing myself any favors by standing nearby but pretending to look at something else. I guess being near someone with celebrity status (even if Beadle isn't Lady Gaga or something) turned up my natural social awkwardness or something.