How can anyone with common sense agree with what Obama and company are doing?

Just asking.

2010-09-25T13:59:28Z soon as I find anyone with common sense who agrees with what Obama is doing, I'll give you an instance.


iron granma, Galacto, et al, look at who controlled congress for the last 8 years.
Obama rescuing the middle class and economy? It sure looks like he's trying to kill both!


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If you are a supporter of the progressive movement and condone the Cloward Piven strategy, then it is easy to agree.


Those that totally agree with what the Administration is doing would be by my guess a Dem that will not vote any other way but party line. And those who agree but may not be a Dem either are not researching what is being passed as laws etc. LOL agent your last sentence made me smile, that and that GWB is the worst pres ever...are you forgetting Jimmy Carter! I'm guessing that you have not researched much about the Presidents.



You mean rescuing the economy and the middle class? Trying to have fewer deaths from illness by upgrading and improving access to healthcare? Preventing total economic collapse, which had been imminent but has now been averted to a large degree? You mean that?

If anything, they're not doing ENOUGH of what they're doing!

But I'm suspicious my words will show to blind eyes. You'll probably go on believing whatever you want, just because it's what you want to believe.

Of course, I'm not even sure of specifically what you're asking about, since you didn't write it into your question.


How can anyone with common sense agree with putting the Republicans back in power. We have seen the results of Republican domination of the government lately and I don't talk with anyone who likes it better this way that the way it used to be, so how can anyone with common sense want them to continue doing it.


Because anyone with common sense knows that the only thing conservatives will do when they get into office will be to take us back to the terrible policies of Monkey Boy Bush (who was the most FAIL president ever). If you don't like Obama, you hate black people.

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