Short field performance of a C-17?

While driving past a regional airport, I was surprised and delighted to see a C-17 Globemaster III on climbout. (There's an Army National Guard base at the airport.)

The Boeing website states the takeoff roll of a C-17 as 7,600 feet at MTOW (and presumably at sea level with a moderate ambient temperature). This airport has a 6,000 foot runway.

So, this bird couldn't have been at maximum take-off weight. I'm wondering just how much runway a more lightly loaded C-17 might need. Any informed opinions?

It was quite a sight to see!


Favorite Answer

The minimum runway length for C-17 operations is 3500 ft. However there would be weight restrictions to operate from a runway that size, it could not be at MTOW.

The calculated and actual takeoff and landing distances are often much less than that though, but as you know there are safety buffers built into everything in aviation.


Believe it or not the C-17 can take off in less than 600ft. The reason that they "need" such a long runway is for safety if they have to abort at takeoff roll. In all reality they only need about 1/3rd of the recommended runway length.

Taylor D2010-09-25T22:12:45Z

The C-17 takes off from any were from 3,500- 3,800 feet of runway when it is lightly loaded.


I'm a pilot, aviation mechanic and lifelong aviation buff. I've been to quite a few airshows as well as the Reno Air Races, and can honestly say that I was impressed w/ the C17. It's an impressive performer.

Victoria Mcafee2010-09-26T13:28:05Z

which regional airport, you were not specific enough...???