Do you still think that believers know more about religion than non-believers?
Well, don't. Here's a recent survey that demonstrates that atheists and agnostics know more about religion than the people who follow those religions do.
Obviously, anyone who truly studies the Bible and the Koran with honesty and integrity will come away not believing any of it. Only those who have been brainwashed and/or indoctrinated believe in such things.
Religion is for those who would have others tell them how they should act, think, and feel. Such people are not generally inclined to do much research of their own.
I have known for many years that the Bible was more widely read by non-believers than by church goers.
In most churches, reading the Bible is not a requirement, nor is studying the religion to make sure it is true. In many, the bulk may not even have a Bible.
I'm am a believer though, one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Most church doctrine is based on pagan mythology and not scripture.
The bible clearly states that as we move closer toward the end, there would be a falling away from the faith. So it's no wonder that atheists have more knowledge of various faiths and many who call themselves Christian do so only because they attend church on Christmas and Easter.
The bible also says there is a group called Philadelphia which remains faithful to the teaching of the bible. It is a very small group indeed.
There are many believers that have studied scripture and know the Word of God. They love it's precepts and find comfort in it's promises. That said, it has been said for years that one of the fastest growing religions is the Church of the Ignorant Brethren. Sadly there are too many born-again believers on their way to heaven (because they have trusted in Jesus, not because of any works they do) who are disobedient to the command to study. (2 Timothy 2:15)
Not true. They may know more facts out of the Bible, but that doesn't make what they think they know actually true. They learn many things from other atheists, but it's all biased and based on lies. If atheism were true, we wouldn't be able to know anything at all.