My biological father is a US Citizen. How do I ask the court to grant me US Citizenship?
A dear friend of mine's biological father left for the USA as a refugee a couple of days after she was born. As he is Cuban we're aware that they are treated different. We believe that he might be a US Citizen by now.
Her biological father did legally recognizer her as his daughter, and it shows on her birth certificate in our country.
She would like to start any sort of legal proceeding to have her father recognize her in the US as his daughter so she's able to claim US Citizenship. What would be the proper way of going about this. I'm aware that she will need to retain an attorney so you can elaborate more than that.
Kary....until the dry/wet foot policy came into effect, Cubans had far more privileges as they were immigrating from a communist regime, rather than those crossing the Rio Grande. So please this is not about racisim....just basic knowledge of the laws.