Will there be a global theocracy? Which religion will it be? Who will run it?

With the new millennium, increasing numbers of people have heard about the "One World Religion" purportedly being planned by the ruling elite, i.e., the "Illuminati," "Masons," or various other cultic/religious interests. Many people believe that such a One World Religion, if indeed a planned development, will be a form of Catholicism or "New Age Spiritualism," while others such as Jews and Muslims insist that their ideologies will rule the world.


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We need a global ethical movement to emerge that doesn't originate from a central point or a charismatic male vertebrate. There are actually quite a number of groups of people in all religions, and with no religion, who are working hard to bring about a better tomorrow. This should give us great hope.



Looks very possible.
The only religion which is both actually powerful and has built-in political system is Islam.
The only religion which will survive as an opposition is Judaism.


No, religion is on the way down and out. It is being replaced by education.


According to the Bible there will be an absence of religion as Christians are hunted down for their faith.


Humanism. But it will take centuries for mankind to grow up.

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