Who is your favorite Wrestling commentator of all time, In any major Brand?

dont list indies where only people of a certain territory know.

BQ: Who are your favorite team of commentators ever?

BQ2: if you could put any 2 or 3 commentators together, who would they be?

(there have been 3 person commentary teams, so listing three is OK unless you preffer only 2, your choice)


Favorite Answer

Favorite of all time = Good Ole J.R.
BQ > Favorite team would be Good Ole J.R. & The King Jerry Lawler
BQ2 > See above


Jerry "The King" Lawler.

BQ: I think my favorite team of commentators are the current Raw commentators, Jerry "The King" Lawler and Michael Cole.

BQ2: If I could put 3 commentators together, it would be the most exciting ones, in my opinion: Jerry "The King" Lawler, Michael Cole and Matt Striker. I like Todd Grisham, but he doesn't have much personality (Atleast not as much as the other 3 I mentioned).


BQ: Jim Ross, Tazz, JBL, Jerry Lawler, Joey Styles

BQ2: Tazz, Jim Ross, Joey Styles!!


my favourite commentator would be Jim Ross for putting a wrestler over and then Joey Styles for being the loose cannon voice of ECW.

my fav team of commentators would be JR and King

i'd love to see JR and JBL commentate together as the cowboys of commentary, and also i'd love to see schiavone come back and be paired up with taz in tna or put him in the mix with tenay and taz.


Gorilla Monsoon

BQ: Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

BQ2: Gorilla, Bobby, and Lord Alfred Hayes

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