How do conservatives and right wingers plan to reduce the deficit AND give massive tax cuts?

This has never worked before. You can't shut down parts of the government that quickly, and you would put many of the 4 million federal employees out of work, plus the 8 million or so that are indirectly tied to those 4 million. AND what would you cut?

And yes, I meant both. True conservatives are not generally as right wing as many of the Tea Party candidates.

Shadow Knight2010-10-11T19:49:38Z

Favorite Answer

There is no plan. They usually reference "cut wasteful spending". Even if all earmarks were eliminated there would still be a projected deficit of close to 2 trillion (yes that is trillion) per YEAR by 2035.
So lets say we eliminate the Department of Energy, the EPA and the Department of Education. That still leaves us with a 1.5 trillion dollar deficit per year by 2035.
And all these figures do not include the proposed tax cuts. Tax cuts would nullify the cuts in spending and would raise the deficit even higher.

So what actually needs to be done? Fix and/or eliminate Social Security, Medicare, and severely cut Defense spending. Also there would need to be a significant increase in types and amounts of taxes. Corporate welfare would need to be eliminated. Can you imagine a politician running on that platform?

So all this talk of "balanced spending" is one of two things. Either it is a political show to get the votes of the average (rather silly) American voter who actually believes that you can cut taxes and not cut spending, or it is a cover for a larger agenda - dismantling the New Deal - which has been a goal of some conservatives in this country from the thirties on.

One hopes that the GOP are just putting on a show to get votes, but you never know.

That is why I do not put my trust in any human governmental system. (Jeremiah 10:23)


Written by a Liberal Conservative.

Simple, all Americans Boycott the large companies who set up manufacturing in other countries until the employ americans. No company should be allowed to have the work performed in other countries when we have 1 out of 10 people with out jobs. Tax the corporate giants who layoff and make absurd profits. Tax the CEO's who receive bonuses when their co shut down American sites to save money. Create incentives for entrepreneurs to start up. Mandate all Gas Stations be Full Service Like in NJ that would create thousands of jobs across the US. Increase penalties to employers who hire illegals while Law Abiding Americans need a Job. Remove the Right to Work laws and allow more Labor Unions, the Labor unions need to create a Balance of wage per job not Big hourly rates but not low wages either. Create more education programs for the unemployed. Assist disabled in career education so they to can return to the work force ( Some just may not be able do to disability). Let the people actually control the government not the big corporations.

Jim B2010-10-11T19:17:44Z

Federal Employees make way more money than those in the private sector and their benefits are Golden. I don't know how many times you ever had to deal with Government Workers but they do not get in a hurry to do anything and their are always three times as many people that required to do the job. Most government workers are to stupid to hold a real job and they have a bad attitude when they have to help you. We could get rid of 2/3s of the Government workers and still have to many. You ask how you cut taxes and create growth. It is simple when there is more money to use to create more jobs those jobs create more tax revenue. What we need is legislation preventing jobs from going overseas creating more money for the working people i america. I challenge you to go out and find at least 10 things for sale made in the United States and then ask yourself why people in America don't have jobs.


Where were you when Obama vowed not to increase taxes? At the polls voting for him? How do Democrats propose keeping all the rich people and jobs from leaving the US when taxes are not lowered? If you have not noticed yet, there are not that many employers interested in hiring and making anything these days. I'd like to pretend like you know economics well enough to know that if somebody does not start making jobs real soon we will be in BIG trouble. So what do you propose? Telling anyone that wants to create jobs that you are going to tax them into oblivion? Poor people do not create jobs, your enemies-the rich are the ones that create them and they are not going to create even a lemonade stand at the rates you have in mind for them.


They don't plan to do either. They just say that so people will vote for them. Mark my words, no matter what happens next month the debt will not go down significantly for several years if it goes down at all.

"Um, by cutting spending by more than they cut taxes. You see in a world where there are no bailouts, you can't spend more than you take in."

But Tarp and several bank bailouts were signed by president Bush and McCain voted yes. You people have very short memories.

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