What percentage of the UK are Atheist/Agnostic and has science made a joke of religion?
I was christened to a Catholic family but, I am 15 now and since I was 12 I have been an Agnostic purely because I have no complete evidence that the bible is true and also I don't go to mass so I don't think it's right to call myself a Catholic.
It really annoys me the way some people just call themselves Catholic/Anglican etc but never pray, learn about their religion or ever go to mass/church with the exception of maybe Christmas and Easter. I have complete respect for Christians who actually practice their religion or whatever but it really annoys me that for some people saying you are a Christian means getting presents at Christmas and Eggs at Easter. I know some Muslims and they basically know everything from the Qu'rran. Seriously no joke! They pray 5 times a day and otherwise they are not Muslim.
My real question is what percentage of the UK are Atheist/Agnostic and is this going up and up by the day? And I don't just mean people who call themselves Atheists/Agnostics I mean people like I have already stated above who call themselves Christian but don't really practice their religion, I'm not going to repeat myself.
I didn't mean to insult anyone by the way for asking this question I am just curious. Also do you think Science has had an effect on this? Like with evolution and all it completely goes against the way the bible teaches people and also with the big bang theory and everything. Would this be a factor or anything else in science?
What do you think? Any answers much appreciated and thanks in advance!