How hard is it to change a house number?

I live in WV, and on our street ("A" Street) there are THREE "1 North Street"s. The only difference is two of them have the same city and zip code. Ours is the only one that is a difference city and zip code (example: 12354 versus 23456), and UPS and Fedex just canNOT seem to get our address correct (they depend on GPS versus reading the street signs to get to our house, and end up sending and dropping it off to the one that is incorrect!). I'm seriously thinking of getting our house number changed, however how much red tape and $$$ would that be to get it done? Also, how would we get it so GPS devices get updated with the correct information (same for google maps, bing, etc).

Thanks all.


Google maps, yahoo maps, almost all GPS devices, have our house number, city and state listed showing in the wrong area.

How exactly would I go about making sure FEDEX gets their GPS updated? Google maps? Yahoo maps?

Guess I'll be adding a special line in Address Line #2 so dumb FedEx delivery person sends it to the right spot. UPS has been decent (IF we manipulate our address, instead of saying A North Street, we just say A Street) with getting packages delivered so far.


tin - so I could try seeing the Town/City to see if they'll change it?


Caveat - Thanks. I figured that USPS has no authority in changing numbers and that it was the city/county. Guess I'll have to play phone tag with them or stop by one day. Knew you couldn't just "get GPS Updated" either. Heh.


Favorite Answer

The abover poster is wrong: the USPS does NOT establish street names and addresses. That is done by the city or county in which you are located. Any change of address numbering would have to be done thru that entity.

You cannot "correct" GPS.


The #'s will be set by the city when the streets are being laid out. That info will be transferred to the Post Office.


You cannot. The United States Postal Service Set the NUMBERS and they do not make changes
You need to have your GPS updated.