I am due tommarow night with my second child, whom the doctors say is getting large and they would like to induce. So, tommarow night at 9PM i am going in to start induction. With my first child, my water broke at home as the first sign of labor, so i am not sure what to expect with induction! I am not dilated (they said maybe a tiny tiny bit) so i am assuming they will start with cervadel....has anyone been through it, and can you explain how they did it and how long it took for you..?? Also, can you walk around and stuff, or do i have to be laying down?
Karen E2010-10-16T09:36:43Z
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I am a L&D nurse. Our doctors bring in patients at night for inductions to "ripen their cervix" (soften) if they are not already dilated >2 and still thick. They use a cervical ripening agent such as Cervidil or Cytotec. The patients have to be monitored but can get up to the bathroom etc. In the morning the doctor breaks their water if that is possible and a Pitocin Drip is started. If the patient's cervix is still not ripe in the morning the patient will receive more ripening agents and the process will take longer. The Pitocin Drip works directly on the uterus to make contractions to dilate the cervix. Its hard to predict when delivery will happen. I see most of the patients having their first baby deliver sometime the next afternoon or evening. Any sooner than that is unexpected.
If you get tired of the bed ask your nurse if you can sit in a chair near the monitor or stand beside the bed (on the monitor). Our patients often get a shower in the morning.
I'm only 16 and I've never been pregnant so obviously I have never had a reason to be induced but my mom was induced when she had me and she went into labor real quick. She went to work that morning as usual and then in the afternoon she went to be induced and 4 hours later I made my entrance. I guess it was just like any other delivery except it had to be sped up. She said it didn't hurt too much to be induced, it was worth it :)
With my first they started me with cervidil I had to lay there the entire time. They started that at 10pm them at 10 am they stated patosin. I had my daughter at 3:45 pm. The cervidil caused horrible cramping. And obviously the potosin wasn't fun because it caused labor. With my second and third I went in in the morning and they were born at 1:30 pm and 12:18 pm. They were really quick and easy. I only had to push 2 times with both of them. I'm hoping this one will be the same. I will be induced this time too.
They broke my water at 8:00 P.M. and I had the baby at 8:30 A.M. But I was dilated. They talked about giving me Pitocin but didn't end up doing it.
I wasn't able to get up at all until after I had the baby. I was even catheterized. Plus they had me hooked up machines to test my blood pressure, oxygen, and the baby's heart beat.
That is my experience, but you are being induced for an entirely different reason. They induced me because of Preeclampsia.
yes i have they made me ly down for 2 hours then was free to do watever i wanted but it was night time and i wanted to sleep in the morning the doctor broke my water 4 hours later i had gabriel my contraction went from none to full blast and yes it hurt