help with a Chi-Weene dog.?

I know it's the breed but how to stop the barking at everything and one, but she is not aggressive just really barky, and just goes like 9,000 miles an hour.
She has mellowed out some. 10 months old.
She wares out my daughter's much bigger dog OUT (a Herder breed) but they do like playing. she just don't know when to stop it's go go go full bore all the time..


pipper - great link thanks..
Elaine M - yes I used to watch him all the time at my daughters house.. great show.
I'll start MY trainning ..
soon... LOL..

Piper- Won VCCH2010-10-19T17:14:43Z

Favorite Answer

Teach her the "Quiet!" command.

By the way, Chi-Weenies aren't breeds, just mutts!

Have A Good Day!

@MJB- Sorry, no. Hybrids are two or more different things mixed together of a different species. Chihuahuas and Dachshunds are the same species, and when you cross two dogs- a mixed breed, mutt, mongrel, heinz 57, whatever, is formed. It's nothing degrading, cause mutts are great! But it's a thing you must know- you don't have a fancy breed, no, just a mutt which are a dime a dozen in the world. I have a mutt, and she's one of my best dogs! Just telling you.

Rotten Rotts2010-10-19T17:31:32Z

Stop calling the poor thing a Chiweenie, she is barking in protest.
Dogs bark from lack of training, socialization and boredom.
Start with some good structured walks to expel some energy and then get into a training routine


A Chihuahua. That frequently refers to a purebred, however normally it is going to say whatever like "Chi-combine", which, most likely is a Chihuahua combined with whatever. Wow, what a vain reply that was once LOL

Elaine M2010-10-19T17:15:03Z

You have a dog of mixed breed, with parents that are both known as barking breeds. I'm afraid this is what your dog is going to do.

Some training will be necessary. Have you watched any of the Ceasar Milan dog whisperer videos on this?


been told to squirt with water and tell quiet

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