Editing - yahoo answers - How many noticed the yahoo now giving editing timings ?

yahoo allow to edit answers. Now after edit the time is shown with respective answers. How many noticed this ?


Amanda (staff): my happiness go unlimited when i find yahoo staff answered my question. i am very much thankful as well as grateful to yahoo staff and yahoo management.

your answer makes me happy and again my thanks to you.

MR - Always good.


To All:

i thank everyone who starred and answered. The intention of this question is to bring the details to all members. i thank everyone.

MR - Always Good


i am very happy in this question. Many members starred this question. Many great people answered this question. I am happy yahoo staff participated and starred. i thank everyone starred and answered. Thanks All.


Favorite Answer

We had numerous requests via our suggestion board that we display a timestamp to show someone has edited their answer. This was mainly due to things like place holding and people copying answers from others. To make it clearer that an answer has been edited, we also re-order it to the last position.

Now I know it can be frustrating if you just want to make one small spelling correction but this is why you are given the opportunity to preview your answer, as per when you ask a question. If you find you are often editing after you answer, it may be worth using the preview just to have one last check before you submit.

Finally, we are going to monitor this change. If we find it does have a detrimental effect, then we may consider making further changes in the future.


Yes I've noticed that... and it's getting on my nerves! They're (Y! staff) punishing everyone because of a few people who do the 'place holding' thing to take the top spot. Amanda's clearly lying that you get to preview your answer: when you press 'submit', answer gets published - nobody gets to preview their answers!

And also, how about if one didn't wanted to fix a typo but wanted to respond to the askers additional details? What then? Editing the answer will bring it down... that's just NOT FAIR!

They should bring it back to the way it was before this new 'update'. Thanks!


I would like to suggest one thing to Yahoo!

They should leave the original time stamp too & should not order the edited answer to last one...! This changes should be made...! What is the use & purpose of the edited answer has been being taken as last answer? If these changes have been made... It will be very good in the future..


I just noticed that. Now if you edit your answer then it moves to the bottom of the list where nobody will bother to read it. That's nice of them. So from now on I'd better not bother to clarify my postings or correct my spelling. Thanks, Yahoo.

Edit: Using the preview to check my answer is something that I obviously do, but frequently, particularly on technical issues the questioner will add more detail to their question. This makes it necessary to edit the question to reflect the new information or because it has now become possible to give a definitive answer.


Did anyone else Thumbs Up Amanda?

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