Who has the Mirena or has had?
What is your experience with the Mirena? Ever since I got it i think it happens when I am suppose to get my period I get mild cramps and I can feel them through out my left leg it doesn't hurt but it's uncomfortable. I have told the doc she said it's not normal but she doesn't quite understand what I am saying because it's hard for me to explain and hard for them to understand. I am also getting a lot of infections I have had for 2 years but it's the only thing that works for me that's why I don't take it out.
I get vaginal infections, Yeast infection almost every month. I am so glad the leg cramp is normal. another thing is I always feel that I am pregnant but I am not. I had the depo and I got pregnant so don't want to go through that ever again.
I like it too that's why I don't want to take it out until I am ready to have another baby.