Theists: Prove to me that god isn't not real?

I am writing an essay on cognitive dissonance and schizophrenia

Rico Toasterman JPA2010-10-23T09:40:21Z

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But he isn't not not unreal. Does that help?


Isn't that a double negative...

Oh, and you only need one reference, the DSM-IV, which does not state that believing in God is a symptom of schizophrenia, nor is it cognitive dissonance.


"And, just for the record, "isn't not" is a double negative which means you are asking us to prove that God does not exist. I don't think we can do that."

If you're going to lecture people about grammar then at least get it right. A double negative just means that the statement isn't a negative after all, it's not grammatically incorrect. It's criticised because people use a double negative to mean something negative, which obviously makes no sense.

Perhaps it would be easier to explain this if we substitute "not real" with "false": The question can therefore be altered (without changing its meaning at all) to "Prove to me that god isn't false?". Needless to say, the question isn't asking Christians to prove that God isn't real. The question is asking to prove that he is.


He let over 6 million jews get killed during the 2nd World War.
He cannot help us get rid of diseases like cancer,parkinsons etc.
He lets children suffer in poor countries.
He would not have let mankind develop the nuclear bomb.
I could go on and on but in the end religion is just a legalized form of brainwashing.
So why do so many people believe he is all mighty?
Time all religions had a reality check.Especialy the Catholic church and its religious molesters.
Life is what WE make it.


And what do those topics have to do with the belief or disbelief in God?

And, just for the record, "isn't not" is a double negative which means you are asking us to prove that God does not exist. I don't think we can do that.

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