What factors unite most of the present day American conservatives?
I have been doing a lot of reading about the present day American conservatives, and was wondering what are the factors that unite them? they all must feel pretty passionately about similar things, what are they? and also, what do they disagree on? points go to the best answer, go all out and have fun!
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The creed that the rich do what they can and the poor suffer what they must. It's cool to be selfish, greedy, and uncaring.
We think the American people are taxed too much. We went to WAR with England for an income tax of 3%. Now the rate is anywhere from 30 to 60%.
The people are taxed unfairly. We do not want a Socialist/Marxist government. We do not like that the Federal Government has so much power over people's lives. Regardless of which party is in charge, ANY government with this much power is inherently DANGEROUS.
We want less government.
We have had it with slanted journalism. Where has journalistic integrity gone?
We have had it with professors indoctrinating out kids.
With career politicians.
We have had it with the PC crap that is nothing more than a tool to silence anyone who disagrees with the Left.
Well I am conservative and I think it really depends on who you are talking with. Not all conservatives think alike. Now my opinion is that we should stop the wars now, stop the spending, start repaying the debt as soon as we get a balanced budget, no health care bills and my reason for that is it will take to much money, we need tax reform, we need to actually secure our borders instead of goofing around, tax reform, education reform, take a different approach at the drug wars, stop giving all this aid out. Those are just some of my opinions but basically I cannot really say what unites conservatives or what we disagree on because we do not all have the same opinion.
Well the actual people in power like to act like they are acting in the interest of the average american, while secretly making deals to corporate interests and will do anything to make as much money as possible, especially if it involves screwing some sheeple! They hate ans insult the very people they have ttricked into supporting them. Also uniting repub talking points : gays, gay marrage, abortion, jesus, social security, the ground zero mosq this is a community center 4 blocks away from ground zero, 911, islamic extremeists, ect
They are fed up with the out-of-control spending of both the right and left. This sentiment started under Bush and exploded under Obama. Conservatives have taken Republicans to the woodshed for drifting from Conservative principles, fiscal Conservatism being the main one.