Toddler waking up at night. ?

So my daughter is now 20 months and I guess for the past month to month and a half she has been waking in the middle of the night. It started when she wet through her diaper or if it got really full. Thing is she does not go back to sleep for hours. Usually 2-3. She does not fuss but is awake and I can hear her moving in her crib and kicking her feet. Thus keeping me awake for the time she is up. If she hears me moving in bed she calls out to me but I do not respond to her. She will then fall back to sleep and sleep until 9:30 or 10. On the nights she does not wake she is up between 7:30 and 8. I have tried limiting her nap but that did nothing. Because of my husbands work schedule and the fact he wants to see her she goes to bed around 9. I just want sleep and regular sleep. I am tempted to make a drs appointment to see what they say. I need help!


If she goes to bed at 9 and wakes at 8 that is 11 hours plus a 2-3 hour nap. She is getting plenty of sleep.
My husbands job limits his time with her we have a farm and he is up at 3am and in the house after 7:30PM so her going to bed earlier it not fair to him. And he barely get 5 hours of sleep. Her last cup of milk is after supper around so nothing to drink after 8. She only has 2oz of diluted juice for breakfast. And she now wakes even if her diaper is dry.

Ryan Hughes2010-10-27T07:59:17Z

Favorite Answer

It seems to me that after doing this so many times that she has developed a routine, which is why she is doing it even if her diaper is dry. The best thing you can do is try to break the habit. If you can try to put her to bed later and limit the amount of juice you give her at night.

natalie K2010-10-27T10:01:12Z

cut her fluids down make her last drink milk also i think 9pm is abit late for a 20 month old to be going to bed at the age they need 15hrs sleep in total so id be putting her down about 7.30-8pm also give her a bath an hour before she goes down and give her supper nd half a beaker of milk after her bath with her super i would also try her in a bed with a bed guard also ensure your husband helps as much as possible as us mums get forgotten about we need rest as well good luck


Perhaps its time for her to move into a bed, cos my first son use to wake himself up in his crib by banging into the side.. ?

Give her less juice in the day, or at least no juice right before bed.


cut her fluids down so close to bedtime