What size diapers do you need the most of?

Was gonna start stocking up before baby comes but I was wondering which size do you use the most of?
Thanks for all your help and Serious replies. Cute stories are also welcome.


And how many do you typically go through in a week?


Favorite Answer

My advice is if u stock up save receipts. Its hard to say what you will need most of. My some was early and wore premie diapers for about a month and NB for only like a week I had started to buy extra of those and had to take a bunch back. I would wait until the baby is around. Just my opinion tho. Def save receipts tho. I go threw a big box of diapers every week to week and a half. He is 4 months old. Hope I helped!


Well newborns go through 7-8 diaper changings per day. So stock up on those to last for about first 2 weeks. After that invest in Size 1 as baby will grow rapidly and the ones that hospital uses will be tight and uncomfortable. After that purchase diapers according to his/her weight. Depending on how fast your baby gains weight and how the thigh circumference is, Size 2-3 will be your friend for the next year or two. Size 4 will be used by about 15 months.


As tempting as it may be to stock up - my suggestion is don't. You never know what diaper will work the best (sometimes kids have allergic reactions to various brands - we just had a problem with a particular diaper and had to get rid of the partial package) You also never know when they will need the next size - it varies so much for each child. My first could never fit into a NB diaper, and cruised through the sizes til he reached a four. Then my third one wore NB for two months, Stage 1 for like a week, and Stage 2 was the same, now in stage three forever! If you do stock up make sure you don't open everything and keep the receipts so you can go trade them in for a different brand/size if necessary.

Combat Medic Wife :)2010-10-28T22:31:31Z

I strongly advise that you don't stock up on diapers. I say this because you never really know how long they are gonna last in that particular size.
My son when he was first born wore NB for about a week and a half and then we had to move him to size 1 and he is now 9 weeks old but he is slowly but surely moving up to size 2 here soon.
If you Absolutely want to stock up then I would say buy a box of 92 NB and get about 3 or 4 boxes of 242 size 1.
Those should last you a good while.

Ivy has Twin Boys!2010-10-28T22:29:42Z

The newborn size you will need about 10 a day, but only for a couple weeks. Size 1 you won't need as many a day, size 2 even less.

Size 3 you will only do maybe 5 diaper changes a day, but baby will be in them for about 6 months. Your baby will go through sizes 0, 1 and 2 in the first 5 months, then will wear size 3 from about 6 months to 1 year.

How long the baby is size newborn, 1 and 2 depends on the size of the baby. But newborn is only until 10 pounds, so most babies are out of them in 6 weeks, then out of size 1 by 3 months, then out of size 2 by 6 months.

Generally you change the baby every feeding, and newborns eat about 10 times day (about 12 for breastfeeding, 8 for formula). But by 3 months it goes down to only 4-8 feeds a day.

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