Where do we think these mysterious electrical impulses in your nerves come from, hmmm?

A user here while answering a question regarding chi said this: "exactly 'where' do you think these mysterious electrical impulses in your nerves come from, hmmm?"

Given that the answer can be found in any biology or physiology textbook albeit in long form, maybe the good people of Yahoo! Answers Alt Med section can give a short version on where the mysterious electrical impulses in our nerves come from.

This is where the question came from: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20101031055733AAXqlHX&r=w#DIAoXTXJJHd09NrcbUgw

Ready, set, go!


@Sally, I vaguely recall you calling Rhianna a Jew and then picking a non-sense answer as best. Yep, we're uncaring alright.


Favorite Answer

I saw that. Utterly priceless! This level of scientific illiteracy is entirely expected, but painful to read at the same time.

Thankyou for posting.

Here you go Nosey: http://www.biologymad.com/NervousSystem/nerveimpulses.htm

Weise Ente2010-11-01T03:28:16Z

You mean potassium and sodium ions aren't magic?

Gee, I'd better go back to school then.


Listen, the relationship I have between me and my action potential is very hush-hush, alright? I don't like to get all gossipy about my ions.

Edit: Yeah, I've seen her antisemitic comments as well - and then the minute she is panicking over something, who are the first people she calls to for help? Yeah, gotta love the absurd level of hypocrisy on that one....I believe the clinical term is 'nucking futz'.


Now I've been blocked by thenoseknows. I guess he/she didn't like my answer to their acupuncture question.

I'm glad. Now I don't feel left out.