Is there anything I can do about my netbook battery?
I have an MSI Wind netbook. Last year, I completely depleted its factory battery (left it in sleep/hibernation for too long), and that battery no longer held any kind of charge. So I replaced it with one that was supposed to last three times as long.
It worked great for a while, but now the new battery lasts for less than an hour. This means the netbook is no longer useful for using on my commute (45 minutes each way on the train), or other mobile uses.
Is there anything I can do to get this battery working half decently again? I'd be happy with the 2-hour-ish life of the original, rather than the extended life it was supposed to have. I hate that I spent money on this thing and would rather not have to buy yet another battery. The replacement batteries will cost more than the computer.
Thanks, guys. I did the charge/deplete cycle a few times when I got the new one.