What do we call biologically determined, innate patterns of behavior?
What do we call biologically determined, innate patterns of behavior?
a) drives
b) instincts
c) releasing behaviors
d) universal behavior
What do we call biologically determined, innate patterns of behavior?
a) drives
b) instincts
c) releasing behaviors
d) universal behavior
BobOso ®
Favorite Answer
It would be "b) instincts". Rather than trip over my own words or paraphrase: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instinct
When I saw the question, but before I saw the answers, "drives" was the first word that popped into my mind....but I am thinking it could also be instinct. You need to go back and look through your chapter...or perhaps in the glossary. The wording of the question indicates that it will be A or B...but you need to be sure.
B) instincts