Is it to late to have a child in our mid 40's?

I have never had children to the best of my knowledge, however the woman that I have been dating has had three children two of which are in their 20 somethings and the latest one is 10 years old. I would love to have a child with this woman and she know it. We have talked about it and thought it may be best to look for a younger woman, but I would like the woman I am with to be the mother of my child. Where can one go to further look into this? She is 43 and I am 44 nearly 45 within 60 days.


technically it's not too old. however after the of 40 the chances of your child having down synrdrom is incread dramatically. other problems could occur too. Also think that by the time the child graduates, she be 61..

Women under age 23—1 in 2,000 births
Women at age 30—1 in 1,300 births
Women at age 35—1 in 400 births
Women at age 40—1 in 90 births
Women at age 45—1 in 32 births
Women at age 50—1 in 8 births

Crazzeee X2010-11-03T07:17:39Z

No as long as she is still ovulating and is in good shape then she can conceive but the risks are higher


i agreee with her ^^ but if you have kids after the age of 35 there is chance of birth defects & down syndrome . but just go for it !