Should I stay with my current employer or accept a new position?

I have been working in a call center for a large wireless company for over a year, I make 10.65/hour for what is considered a management position. I work approximately 45 minutes from home, so I spend about $120 per week in gas.

Recently, I applied for a job as a customer service associate at a cash advance business in my hometown and I was offered a position starting out at 9.00/hour, which is 1.65 less than what I make now. With the gas I'm saving, I'd really only be making about 0.90/hour less because I won't be filling my tank nearly as often.

My main reason for wanting to leave my current job is my commute to work, especially with winter quickly approaching. I don't want to have to worry about conditions on the roads affecting my travel. Another reason I want to leave is because I am held to a particular quota and it is adding unecessary stress to my work day which affects my health and my family life.

I like the company I work for becaue they offer unlimited overtime which provides an opportunity for me to increase my paycheck, and they also offer a lot of unpaid and paid time off that I can use whenever I choose. I also like the advancement opportunities that are provided if I remain a top performer. Most importantly, I do feel that I have some level of job security (this is a multi-million dollar company, they aren't going to disappear overnight.)

Some things that concern me about the cash advance business is that I don't know if it is a secure job. With the recent legislation making it harder to obtain cash advances, I worry that payday loans will soon be a thing of the past. I also am concerned about whether or not the pay will be enough for me to live on. Is it right to take a pay cut just to be closer to home? I'm also uncertain if this new job will be as stressful as my current job, if not more stressful.

Any feedback is appreciated.


Favorite Answer

I'd say take the job offer. Shorter commute, less stress, less money spent on gas. It just seems like there's more pros than cons. Sure, the pay is less, but you should do what makes you happy.


I would advise you to take the job that is closer to home - EXCEPT - PayDay Advance Companies are immoral and very sleazy.

My sense of morality would not allow me to work for one - especially since you have a decent job now.

It's a little like Drug Dealing or Prostitution. If those jobs were the ONLY way to feed your children, and they would literally starve otherwise, you must do that. But if there is a moral alternative, no.

DO take a closer job, even if it pays less. But NOT PayDay Loans. Karma is a b*tch.