when you make claims...?

Shouldn't you provide proof that they are true?

User thenoseknows claims that he/she is able to cure epilepsy with homeopathy. He also claimed that homeopathy can cure allergies. However, when asked to provide proof or even just a theoretical mechanism of action for how homeopathy can cure epilepsy, he ignores the question like a coward and continues to make unsubstantiated claims.

As a person who claims to be a health professional, shouldn't one have the ability to educate patients and not just tell them that "it works?"


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Thenosedoesnotknow is not a HE. she is old cat lady. Also it would only hurt her argument to engage in debate so she doesn't. She is using guerilla tactics to fight her cause.


It tends to be the same for all of them.

The ones who get me the most isn't the trivial stuff but where someone comes in with "my grand dad had lung cancer, now it's spread to his liver, and he also has it in his bones. What alternative treatment can I do".

You then get some heartless people posting about vitamin C vitamin B (but only the natural sort) and some kookie web site about the cancer diet. Rather than just telling it like it is "he's dying, go and see him while he still recognises you and make him happy" (that was one of the docs - can't remember which one)

Yes, if a claim is made then it should be supported by evidence. It would even hurt them to go and read Trick or Treatment or something similar. remember Ernst was once a believer in alt med until he started to apply science to the subject and conduct proper trials.

Ah - I wondered where your question had gone :( I keep getting my answers removed



You make a claim, you provide evidence to support it. Nosey never does this. He's been called on his claims numerous times and never responds. One can only assume he has no evidence to support his claims.


He provides data that goes no where near to supporting his claims. Those postings' are particularly hilarious. I re-posted his question this morning, but the alties reported it...again...sigh.

What was Mad Mary whining about earlier? She's blocked me from answering.

Edit: @ Angel: I wondered if it was a girl. I thought it whined too much to be male. But I wasn't sure.

@ Nitram: Thankyou for your email, sorry I haven't replied yet. I was going to answer your question earlier...about your neighbour...but I wasn't sure if you were being serious...so I ran away? lol.

Edit: @ AngryDoc: Are you awake yet? Have a good day at work, I think I'm going to go to bed. Night night X

Mr E2010-11-08T12:14:09Z

again the disingenuous request for proof. medical so-called proof, without doubt, backed up by the dope pushing, disease-maintenance-for-profit establishment. anyone with at least a pair of functioning neurons knows enough to consider the source for conflicts of interest. you have no interest in proof, and most of all in successful results from alternatives which put the lie to your self-acclaimed scientific validity.


"Shouldn't you provide proof that they are true?"

What is true?

Do you mean statistics?

I guess you are talking about mainstream medicine then if you mean that statistical thing.

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