Do you know how many meals you have eaten in your lifetime?

How many can you remember as being truly memorable, not for the sense of occasion but for the sheer culinary delight and enjoyment of an amazing meal?


Favorite Answer

I couldn't do the math! And alas, I haven't had very many memorable meals.

Sicilian Godmother2010-11-09T08:17:19Z

That is a very difficult question to answer, but I love eating good food, and I love cooking well prepared, delicious cuisines, so I would have to say that at least 3/4 of the meals I have eaten in my lifetime have been truly a culinary delight.


Thanksgiving - Christmas - Fourth of July - Memorial Day - Labor Day. Family Birthdays - graduations - Weddings - Baptism's etc.

We celebrated our 50TH Golden Wedding Anniversary in 2007. Wow! That was in itself memorable and the food - our favorite family recipes - handed down from one generation to another.

We feast together every holiday and for any other excuse we can think up.

How can we count the times? Impossible.

Looking forward to Turkey Day.
Nice question. Yum!


Not really. I did, however, calculate about how many more evening meals I'd have to cook in my lifetime. I took into consideration how often we eat out and thought about how long I thought I'd live. The amount was staggering!


I try to make every meal memorable at home. Even a grilled cheese and soup get beautiful dishes and maybe a glass of wine and dessert. I hate fast's so...blah!

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