How have the Republicans blocked Obama on everything he's tried to do?

The Democrats have held a large majority in the House and the Senate for two years prior to his taking office as well as the entire time in office.


The Dems have blocked any attempts at filibustering, try again.


If it were true how did the health care reform pass?


@nataliella97, I have not heard any Republicans wanting more government programs, conservatives want LESS government!

Debra H2010-11-09T17:15:47Z

Favorite Answer

How could they when he had a majority in both houses.... no, Barry just couldn't get anything done, even his own party blocked him!


Having a majority does not make it filibuster-proof. 60 votes were needed in the Senate to pass a bill.

With two or three exceptions, the Republicans have voted no as a block to everything proposed by the administration.

They have even voted no on bringing things up for discussion. That's how the money for 9/11 first responders was tabled, and why unemployment extensions are so difficult.

They have even voted no on bills/ideas that they themselves wrote!


Like offering phony jobs costs that focus on union jobs so he can get taxpayer investment for his reelection marketing campaign? Obama accomplishes not something. Spending won't clean up any issues. all people who believes that nonsense isn't very sensible.


Because Republicans have fillibustered everything that the democrats try, basically so they can say that democrats got nothing accomplished while neglecting to add that it was because they made it literally impossible.

and to answer to your edit, they eventually gave in on that because that was huge and people needed it. What I find modern politics consists of is making people feel better about themselves by putting others down like with blocking gay rights and complaining about how high taxes are and at the same time complaining about the recession and how there aren't enough government programs. It's like they don't realize that programs cost money and we need money to get out of the recession.


Record number of filibusters in the Senate.

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