Why is the administration giving Unions and Big Corps a pass on Obamacare?

I see in the news that many unions, corporations, congress, and other special interests are getting special permission to NOT use the new Obama Care Program. It seems they all complain that their costs would go up to much. What about me? Mine are going up. How do I get this deal???


Hey guys, this set of exemptions (over 100 corporations and unions) just took place this week. It is not the exemption given to the unions for Cadillac plan already given in the beginning. Obama is giving more to his special interests.


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The deal that the healthcare program is giving us is the same deal that congress receives.

Please. Dont be a blind sheep. Try using your head for once.

Why make up myths? What are kind of point are you trying to get across by making up myths?

Armchair Goddess #12010-11-18T12:47:51Z

Don't give into BreitBRAT disortions or Faux "news" lies...do the research yourself with as open a mind as possible after the 24-hour cycle of elephant-dung propaganda being spewed in true diarrheal fashion from foreigner-owned News Corps and its affiliates. Shake off their distortions and learn:

There are waivers that were applied for and some granted refer ONLY to the elimination of life-time caps on coverage! These waivers are for companies or unions that already provide health care coverage, but having the caps for the plans they currently have kick in on the set due date would mean increases in costs, so they have applied for the waiver on that one provision ONLY.

This is all explained in detail on both the whitehouse.gov website and on the Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sibileus's website. Why not get ALL the facts and ASSUME THE POSITIVE before getting all het up over nothing?


You are correct, the unions who can force corporations to pay for their health care are exempt from the Cadillac health care etc. While at the same time since the Democrats have passed their health care bill the cost of all health care insurance has gone up a huge amount. My one individual insurance plan went from $125 a month 3 years ago when I was on it to $950 a month this past summer when I was unemployed again.

Katana's revenge2010-11-18T12:01:08Z

Give a bunch of money to the Democrats. Seriously most unions were exempt from the start, which is one reason why they supported it.

The Dems claim to be for the middle class, however most union workers now days are government employees.

Hey Donavan-


Not a lie.


all republicans need to have a seat right over there

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