What do you suggest that the wealthy purchase with their welfare?

Sometime between now and December 31, Congress will vote to extend the Bush tax cuts for the rich, or Obama tax cuts for the middle class. In the case of the Bush tax cuts, this money will go to the high and mighty. The top 1% of taxpayers -- people with more than $1.3 million a year -- will receive an average of $83,347 in tax breaks.

Here are some possibilities of what those masters of the universe can buy, with their new government welfare:

- A brand-new Mercedes Benz E-Class car, $83,000. Every single year. And each year, they can give the "old" one to a spouse, a girlfriend, whoever.

- A Hermes "Birkin" handbag, $64,800. (Actually, though, if you need to know how much it costs, then you can't afford it.)

- Chateau d'Yquem wine from 1787, $56,588. That will leave each one with around $25,000 of loose change in their pockets. Enough for a nice lunch, maybe.

- 20,000 jars of Grey Poupon. So when people ask, "excuse me, sir, but do you have any Grey Poupon," the answer is "Yes!"

- 800 luxury cigars. One for the morning, and one for the evening, every single day. But how will they light them? Each one, with a $100 bill. That costs only $73,000 a year. Ah.

Thank you, Congress. You're letting the rich in this country enjoy two cigars a day, each lit by a $100 bill.

Now I have a question for you. What do you suggest that the wealthy purchase with their Welfare? What new toys for the idle rich? A Mercedes? A Hermes bag? Cigars? They need your ideas, because they will all have so much more of our money.


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Obviously you have your tongue firmly in your cheek ... but I get your point. And it doesn't matter what the rich would spend their windfall tax cut on. The issue is whether extending the temporary tax cut for the top 1-2% of taxpayers makes any sense ... and clearly it doesn't. It's yet another Republican gift to the rich. The sooner Americans realize there is going to be long term pain involved in paying for the errors of the last decade or so, and begin to take remedial steps, the less pain there will be overall. And, unavoidably, tax increases are part of the pain.

Reasons tax cuts should not be extended at all:
- the fact the Bush tax cuts were always intended to be temporary,
- the fact there is no evidence to believe the tax cuts led to job creation (as promised) and there is no logical reason to expect a continuation of the tax breaks for the wealthy will lead to job growth in the future
- the size of the deficit and national debt require expenditure reduction AND tax increases.

Reasons not to increase taxes NOW:
- the fragile economic recovery -- which depends on the middle class -- would be compromised, and
- there is (much argument among economists on this) evidence that cutting expenditures too soon may also delay the economic recovery.

Considering all these factors together and one can conclude this is not the time to cut expenditures or raise taxes on the poor or middle class. However, there is no rationale for extending the temporary tax cuts for the wealthy. None. Nada.


Explain how it is welfare if it is their own money they are getting to keep?

If someone grows apples and they have to give away less of their apples to the government, that isn't welfare.

Now when apples are taken by force of law from the apple farmer and given to someone else without any apples, that is welfare.


So now the libs equate allowing a citizen to keep more of his hard earned money with welfare.
This shows the liberal viewpoint on work. The govt is more entitled to the benefits from working
than the person working!


I know that one wealthy dude bought a yacht, moved it to another state to avoid taxes. You might know him as John Kerry.

Another wealthy dude owns a villa in the Dominican Republic. He failed to paid taxes for 17 years, even though he sat on the committee that wrote the tax law. You might know him as Charlie Rangel.

One Man Wolfpack2010-11-19T12:34:26Z

How dare you think that tax breaks equate to handouts, and that the wealthy are responsible for the establishment's over-spending

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