Have you ever seen a black and white cat with a WHITE tail?

Since I have two black and white cats and have seen lots of B & W cats I have made an observation. No matter how much or how little black is on the B & W cat - the TAIL of the cat is always BLACK. Has anyone EVER seen a B & W cat with a WHITE tail? I would love to know and also see a picture of one, because I don't think they exist.


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No - even "van" markings will have color on the head and tail. I had a black & white bicolor whose tail was almost all black with a white cotton ball tip and where the tail met the body she had a white ring of fur around it like someone stuck the tail on her body!

Also because of the way the genetics work and the white color will start at the feet and work up the body and the color starts at the top and works down, you will never see a cat with a color belly and legs and white on the back and head - the reverse of most bicolors.


I think the cat across the road from us has a white tail and he's black and White. I can't upload a picture tho Soz. Ill check 4 u and update my answer when I find out :) interesting observation tho...


Yeah I don't think that I've ever seen a black & white cat with a white tail. Hmm never thought about it but that's strange...


I have. There is this neighborhood cat that i feel bad for so sometimes i will put food on my porch and I would watch it come and eat it. It is black and white cat with a WHITE tail. Believe it or not :).


definite. My previous neighbor had 2 all black cats -- one with blue eyes and the different had one blue/gray eye one gold eye Edit: the blue/gray eye is incredibly gentle by way of fact the cat grew to become into blind in that eye. the different eye grew to become right into a gold tint. Sorry for no longer being greater specific.

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